
Pivot provides digital solutions, insurance, and technology solutions.

Digital Insurance is a digital insurance marketplace & intuitive platform that enables agents to sell and manage their book of business. Pivot provides each agent with a dedicated team of back-office support through our website and one-touch mobile app.


Since 2020, PivotAi has been using artificial intellgeince, robotic process automation, and machine learning to automate workflows and repetitive tasks. This helps the businesses save time and money.

We've expanded this into a variety of AI products- Aidan, Ainon, and Aidio. Contact us to learn more.

Pivot Ventures

Pivot Ventures is a digital entrepreneurial firm with decades of experience tackling difficult problems & building successful ventures across healthcare, insurance & annuities.

Some ventures include:
1) creating & managing paperless digital enrollment for Tufts Health Plan & Harvard Pilgrim,
2) creating & managing a teleapp ticket model for Citibank & Wells Fargo Advisors and
3) partnering with Nassau Re insurance & Atlantic Coast Life to create innovative annuity product distributions.

Email Us

If you'd like to explore collaborating on a venture, contact Richard Nolin, VP of Business Development.

38 Austin Street

Worcester, MA 01609-2420

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